
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Year - New Me?

I'm so anxious to get started on my New Year's Resolution!  I really have two goals!  One, to lose a few pounds, like the standard resolution.  I need to find the oomph to get started.  That's the battle for me, committing to it, and starting.  Two for me is organization!  My house has spawned various piles of papers, and stacks of documents!  Most need to be sorted, filed, and put away.  Probably the rest need to be shredded and tossed!
Which of my resolutions are more pressing?  Both, one helps the other.  When my house is clean and organized, I have a much happier, carefree disposition, and I'm more likely to feel free to take that walk, or go out and do something.  Which helps the lose some pounds idea.
I haven't found the best weight loss program for me, I've tried so many over the years.  I have seen results from all of them, just not "over the top, amazing" ones.  Any of the diets I've tried work, but there are so many, which one is right, which one is "easiest" to stick with, which one gives you the best results quick!?  This is what is holding me back so far in 2015!  Committing to one or the other!  I've tried the points system, but you need to have the support, which involves money.  I've tried the Low-Carb, which works, for a time, then you have to cheat, and it's over!  I've tried, just being good, eating salads, taking walks, that works, some...
So here I am...still waiting to start!
As for the organization...I've begun!  I've purchased some folders, files, and a few desk supplies to get me started.  I've moved all the papers and miscellaneous items to one location!  I have already shredded a basketful!  Woo Wee!  Getting somewhere!  Now I just need to decide,,what to do with those school papers?  What to do with all my receipts?  What about the pieces of mail, things I want to think about?  What about, what about, what about!

 Stacks to organize
 More stacks to organize
 New folders..YAY!
Empty File Cabinet!

What about all those lovely books...I want to read them!

Here is to a Happy 2015!  I will get started!