This is the Day
by Tim Tebow
I was excited to be included on the launch team for This is the Day by Tim Tebow! I love his story, his fearlessness to be in the spotlight and still stand for what he believes, and love sports! So I was anxious to read this book! The title This is the Day is exactly what this book is trying to say to us - This Day, not another day, a later day, but God gives us this day. So what are you going to do with it. It's a challenge to make to myself - what can I do, what do I need to change, improve, to live out the purpose God has for me!<br />I loved the introduction, and I like the format of this book - chapter by chapter, breaking it down, and giving you ways to make this be the day. I also thoroughly enjoyed his own stories and experiences! I found this book motivating and inspiring!<br />I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher, thoughts and opinions are my own.
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