My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have a hard time getting through a non-fiction book most of the time, usually I have good intentions, extreme interest, but somewhere along the line I fade. This wasn't the case with this book. I am in my 50's headed to the retirement era at some point fairly soon, so I want to do it right, any and all advice is welcome. That's not the reason this book held my interest, it was because it was fun, interesting, well written, and not just a list of chapters with lists of to-do's and advice.
What this book pointed out to me was the idea I had for retirement was that I had none! Retirement to me has always been only from the financial perspective, did I save enough, will I have enough, etc., but there is much more to retirement! What am I going to do with all the time, how to use it wisely, what do I like to do when I'm not told what to do!
He starts off with the 5 core categories of a happy, fulfilled existence!
Mind, Body, Relationships, Finances, and Soul.
Each chapter from there focuses on a particular area. I realized that there are many things I hadn't even thought about! What a great read - definitely worth the read, and something I have already referenced a few times since reading!
Thank you so much to the publisher for the complimentary uncorrected proof. I received this in order to read, share and submit this review. My review is my own.
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